That day my friend Shiv was calling me " I beg you , I will catch your legs , the sun is blazing , its cool under the shacks , please come there " . I said " I will stay here " . He left and came back again after sometime , " Please , will you come now ? . I have my marriage in 20 days , I don't want to look dark with a tan ". I replied " I don't want you to be here , You go , I will join you later " . He grinned and walked back . I felt bad , I had to disappoint my bachelor boy , After all I'm here for him but then I know how to make him happy later :) . I was lying down sipping with whatever I ordered .
My relationship with little things around us - rain , sunrise , sunset , snow , breeze , etc was rather promiscuous until my stint with HCL ended , where 18 odd hours of internet-less slogging for almost 5 years made me so mechanical that I lost track of my own life , and the Eco-system I live in . The connection to the universe is lost and to a certain extent to the people around me . And I along with others believed I am so unsocial . I never even used to speak to any girl even for that matter if I had a sisterly feeling towards her . Now ? . I walk up to someone in office with the same abbess feeling and say " Wassup Chechi ? " . It is actually that simple . This is one of the reasons people in HCL perceive me completely differently today ( Thanks to FB ) because they haven't seen the other side of me . Not their problem , I myself took time to show up and I am not quite there yet .
Not many know the exact meaning of the operating system word "Ubuntu" . It means "I am what I am because of who we all are " . Well , it needs that extra effort for you to look beyond the walls . The onus is on us . Those walls tell you every second , " Why do you want to break the status quo , Sinner ? " . There are walls of society , the walls of definitions of happiness , the walls of reputation , the walls of expectations , the walls of everyone but YOU .
My sipping continued under the scorching sun . I had thoughts on various topics running through , which I am not going to tell and bore you ( Some other day :) ) . The day was coming to an end , and the moment arrived , the golden channel appeared . With the gold foil pathway on the sea ,the rituals in the nature started . I was not sloshed at all but I was completely high . I desperately needed a piece of paper to write , something to scribble down. I looked all over and then I looked at Shiv , he said I can give you a paper , you get yourself a pen , I will not help you . He understood me well :D . I dint wanted to deviate my mood , stopped my search , I went closer to it , locked my eyes upon it . Lines kept coming to my head and this is what it happened ...

Its time to write ,
Because the time is right .
In Awe of the Golden Gate harbinger you opened ,
I walk closer to you taking one step at a time ,
You add a whirly wavey Spin ,
And your watery warriors don't let me in ....
My Weary feet rest at the edge , watching the deepening hues .
My soul asks " Now what , What is your role ? " .
I answered " Just to look at it on the whole " .
I looked at the Colorful Crimson ,
and the glistening Gold .
How do I describe it ? .
I envy the warmth welcome the sea gives you .
Is it because its proud of your job to the Mother Earth ?.
Is it because you feed the hungry Girth ?.
While the magic moment unfolds ,
The logic in our heads blindfolds .
Lovers hold their hands ,
And you trigger their romance .
The birds chirp in flight ,
Signalling the arrival of the night .
And In the Candle's light ,
When your hearts and souls are in entwine ,
The sea closes the line .
The secrets are passed within .
The gossips spreads and the tides treads .
The waves tiptoes , touches and winks,
and leaves me in Kinks ...
Why is that you paint the sky with bright colors at good bye ?.
Why is that you hold your secrets so high ?
I want to walk with you through that divine ply,
Till then I will spy ...
I will spy ......
I will spy ....
To the Beauty of Sunset , Cheers ! - Vicky ! .